Since 2006, The Space Upstairs has been The Pillow Project's full-time wild, creative heart, the home of our multiversity for the teachings of THE ELLIPSIS CONDITION™, and our living-art house for jazzing of new theories and practices on our signature performance happenings.
It is an unexpected warehouse-loft gallery-lounge located in the East End of Pittsburgh situated above our long-time non-profit partner organization, Construction Junction, and is consistently active and organically growing as our creative expression in every facet. The atmosphere of The Space Upstairs is a direct extension of the soul and intention of The Pillow Project, one of permission and comfort, innovation and exploration, freedom and risk, with all creators and witnesses welcome: couches and coffee tables, lightbulbs and deconstructed pianos, piles of chalk and books; it's vivid splashes of light and projection and poetry scribbled on the walls. And the nexus point where our improvisational postmodern-jazz dance performances and live jazzed music meet!
It is at The Space Upstairs that our philosophy and methodologies of our jazz have come into being. And it is at The Space Upstairs that our Projects come off The Pillow and break into reality.